how-to-find seasonal-employment-opportunities-for-snowbirds
How To Find Seasonal Employment Opportunities For Snowbirds
photo at RV park, image for seasonal employment

What Type Of Seasonal Jobs Can You Find While Traveling?

Most RVers would love to travel freely without worrying about money. But unless you’re retired with a nice pension, this probably isn’t the case for you. There are plenty of RVers who still need to earn a living to support themselves. If you travel to escape from cold winters, you may be interested in seasonal employment opportunities.

You might think that you can’t find a job if you travel a lot. But on the contrary, there are plenty of places where you can find seasonal work or gig-style jobs. If you have marketable skills and resources, you can find work just about anywhere! Of course, your options will be a bit limited if you only plan to stick around for a few months, but don’t let that discourage you.

Below, we’ll explore some different seasonal employment opportunities you could try. You may be better suited to some more than others, depending on your age, health, skills, and vehicle(s). We’ll cover all the bases though, so you should be able to find at least one option that will work for you!

Remote work

Before we explore in-person jobs, you may want to consider remote work. A lot of RVers are turning to this avenue because it lets them keep a steady job while they travel around the country. There are all sorts of remote jobs you can do, and many of them pay decent wages!

If you only want short-term work for when you travel, you might be able to do creative work like writing, graphic design, and more. Some websites even hire you to transcribe text for videos, take surveys, or review marketing ads.

Of course, the pay for these short-term jobs may not be enough to support your lifestyle. But it could at least supplement your other options while you search for seasonal employment.

“I worked in an office for ~30 years and one thing lead to another and I was traveling internationally having to communicate with across 3 countries. At the time I was stationed in the UP of Michigan but finally convinced my boss to let me move back to TN where I set up a home office. 

I was traveling so much it didn’t make a difference where I was as I still had to get the job done. Where ever my laptop was sitting was my office and I made do just about anywhere I was, in hotel rooms, airports, etc. My last full year I was on the road +250 days. 

What I learned was that if the type of work you do relies on a lot of computer work, phone calls, video calls, conference calls etc you can work pretty much any where as long as you have a good internet connection. But you have to be able to multitask, juggling issues from each location, set priorities, and be goal oriented. I directed the activity of a dozen or so senior people but they knew I had expectations and usually were able to do what I asked of them. 

If this sounds like what you’ll be doing then go for it.”

– via jacwjames, Senior Member on iRV2 Forums

Check employment sites

Once you settle into your snowbird campsite, you can start searching for local jobs. One of the best places to start is employment/job-hunting websites. There are lots of options on the internet nowadays, and it may be the best way to get noticed by a potential employer.

Submit a resume or application to any position that seems interesting. Some of the top job sites to try include:

  • Indeed
  • ZipRecuiter
  • LinkedIn
  • CoolWorks
  • Backdoor Jobs
  • FlexJobs
  • And more

If you want to get more specific, is a great resource for working RVers. This platform has full-time and seasonal openings for RV enthusiasts. There are job postings all across the country from major cities to rural campgrounds.

Driving gigs

This next option depends on the type of RV setup you have. If you only travel with a large motorhome, you may be out of luck. But if you have a tow vehicle or a second car that you pull behind a motorhome, you could do driving gigs on a seasonal basis.

As an RVer, you’re probably used to driving around unfamiliar cities and navigating all kinds of roads. This could make you a prime candidate for jobs that center around transportation. Nowadays, there’s a high demand for qualified drivers.

You could make extra money by delivering food for a service like DoorDash or GrubHub. If people need a ride around the city, you could give them a ride as an Uber or Lyft driver. You’ll need to meet the qualifications for these jobs, but it shouldn’t be too hard as long as you’re a good driver.

Your pay rate will depend on how much money people give as a tip and how many jobs you’re assigned to, but the demand is usually pretty high. The more hours you’re available to work, the more you can earn!

Cleaning or housekeeping jobs

Not everybody wants to drive around a city all day. If you would prefer to just go to one or two places, then get back to your campsite, you might prefer seasonal employment opportunities that involve cleaning and housekeeping tasks.

Everybody needs extra help with cleaning from time to time. If this is something you’re particularly skilled at, you can make good money in a short amount of time. Apartment managers often hire short-term cleaners to tend to their properties. You might also be able to get a job at a local hotel if they need help with housekeeping.

Campground host/manager

One of the best jobs for an RVer is to work as a campground host or manager. As a snowbird, you’ll need a spot to stay for several months anyway, so why not sign up to run the place? For many people, this is one of the best seasonal employment opportunities they could ask for.

You’ll still have responsibilities, of course. It’s going to be your job to deal with rowdy guests, enforce rules, keep the campground running, and manage the comings and goings of travelers. You might even have to deal with wild animals and natural disasters from time to time!

But it’s a job that will keep you close to your RV, and there’s bound to be a lot of downtime as well.


Farms, orchards, and field managers are always looking for seasonal workers. Harvest season is busy, and they need plenty of people to pick, clean, and transport crops. The pay is considerable (sometimes $2,500 per week), and you’ll usually only have to work for a couple of weeks at a time.

You could also put your RVing skills to use by driving trucks and other farm equipment from place to place. After all, someone has to ferry the produce to its destination!

Tourism and entertainment

If you’re camping in a tourist-heavy area, you could also try to find seasonal employment working at one of the nearby attractions. Every location has different opportunities. For instance, you might be able to get a job working at a theme park, driving a bus for visiting cruise guests, or working at a national/state park.

Again, your skills may factor into your eligibility for some of these jobs. If you’re a strong swimmer, you could be a lifeguard at a pool. Or if you are knowledgeable about the wildlife in the area, you could be a tour guide. Training is often available, but it never hurts to play to your strengths.

Transportation gigs

Finally, you could take jobs moving cargo over long distances. Many people will pay good money to move things that they can’t transport by themselves. Some travelers can ferry pets to new owners or deliver vehicles to a specific destination.

If your RV has a lot of storage space, consider using it to haul bulky items. Things like recreational vehicles, sports equipment, and furniture are in high demand. Finding consistent work can be tricky, but you can often make a decent commission for your transportation work.

Get tips from other RVers

One of the best parts about RVing is engaging with the community of traveling enthusiasts. iRV2 forums allow folks to chat with other RVers online, and get other perspectives on everything RVing, including products, destinations, RV mods, and more.

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The post How To Find Seasonal Employment Opportunities For Snowbirds appeared first on Camper Report.